+48 666 200 080
Warszawa Wilanów

Warszawa, Wilanów

Area 400 m2 Plot Area 1.6 Ha 6 rooms

English Version Below 

Exceptional property in Okrzeszyn

There are apartments, estates and properties. There are also HOUSES. Places you come back to, where life happens. This is such a HOME. An enclave.

On one side closed from the city and the road by a small river, which flows around the house forest – in the middle of which there is a small pond. With a bit of work you can turn this pond into a perfect place for swimming. With a beach, a pier and a place for a bonfire under the trees.

Then, immersed in the woods is a HOUSE. One-storey made of stone, brick and wood. Attached to it is a stable and above it is a developed first floor under a roof. A magical, separate apartment with a fireplace, kitchen and bathroom. For years the place was full of life, meetings, conversations and music. To which the horses living one floor below would sometimes connect. One exit allows direct access to the forest and to the horses.
On the other side, the apartment is connected to the rest of the house by a small cinema room. Through it you enter the warm, full of stone and wood (old logs, thick oak planks) second part of the HOUSE. The bath room connects to the bedroom, where from the balcony you can look at the rising sun and a meadow with horses. Next to it there are two more rooms. They are perfect for bedrooms or a study with roof windows open to the forest and a river disappearing in it.

The first floor is a huge open space with a stone fireplace, a metal goat, a kitchen, a dining room, a small library with leather armchairs by the hearth. There is also a space open to the sun (glass walls on two sides) for meditation, yoga, or just to be and watch the horses running. Four entrances lead to three different worlds. One leads out onto a stone driveway and into the woods. The second into a garden with herbs, mint, rosemary and flowers (the hosts used to start the morning by going into the garden and picking mint for tea). The third allows you to enter directly into the stables and the fourth into a large, glassed-in gazebo with a stone fireplace. In summer it is a perfect place to sleep where birds and horses wake us up. From the gazebo you can enter either the garden, which is cut off from the rest of the buildings by trees, or the wooden terrace from which you can get down to the fireplace and further to the riding arena.

On the property you will find :
– A house with a stable about 400 m 
– Stable man’s house – about 80 m 
– Riding school 20 x 40 m 
– Indoor riding arena 15X30 
– Brick stables 6 boxes 
– Wooden stables 16 stalls 
– Three saddle rooms 
– A social room with a changing room and a rest room
– Pony stable 

This HOUSE is a unique place. An enclave existing in a parallel reality. To the center of Warsaw it is 15 km away and to Wilanów it is just across the road. But on the other hand it seems that these two places are separated by hundreds of kilometers and decades of years. Peace, silence and beauty. Time moves in the rhythm of the seasons. Morning mists from which horses emerge, trees full of birds, branches bent by the weight of snow and fire in the fireplace. A HOME that is waiting for new residents.

The property was built in the mid 1990’s and underwent a major renovation in 2010. The house is located in Okrzeszyn – a village located in the municipality of Konstancin-Jeziorna in a shelter of nature and green areas. This place was created out of passion and love for horses and nature. After the renovation the house had a completely new design and was divided into two parts with separate entrances, one of which has a meditation corner. The house is dominated by old wood and raw bricks – everything was made according to individual project. In addition, the house is very spacious and bright, and each room is decorated with a soul, which makes this property is an unusual place with a unique atmosphere. On the plot there is an amazing, covered gazebo with a fireplace, perfect for spending time regardless of the weather.

Private Ranch is what you are looking for? View of horses swimming in the old riverbed? Scent of wood and closeness of nature? You are at the right place!

welcome to the presentation of this unique property!

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